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“We are facing an exciting era of fast-paced drug development in acute myeloid leukaemia” writes Gianfranco Bittar and colleagues at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA, in a review published in touchREVIEWS in Oncology & Haematology. In 2020, there were an estimated 21,450 new patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and 11,180 AML-related deaths […]

Phase 3 BASIS trial – efficacy and safety of marstacimab in severe haemophilia A or B without inhibitors: Davide Matino, ASH 2023

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Published Online: Jan 18th 2024

The Phase 3 BASIS trial assessed the efficacy and safety of marstacimab, a monoclonal antibody targeting the tissue factor pathway inhibitor, in participants with severe haemophilia A or moderately severe to severe haemophilia B without inhibitors. The study demonstrated marstacimab’s effectiveness in reducing bleeding events compared to previous therapies, along with its safety profile over 12 months and in a 16-month long-term extension study. In this interview, Dr Davide Matino (McMaster University, ON, Canada) discusses the results from the phase 3 BASIS trial (NCT03938792) and the next steps following these results.

The abstract entitled ‘Efficacy and Safety of the Anti-Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Marstacimab in Participants with Severe Hemophilia without Inhibitors: Results from the Phase 3 BASIS Trial’ was presented at the 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition December 9-12, 2023, in San Diego, CA, USA.


  1. What are the limitations of current therapeutic options for severe haemophilia? (0:14)
  2. How does marstacimab fit into the existing treatment paradigm? (1:48)
  3. Can you describe the aims and design of the phase 3 BASIS trial? (2:28)
  4. What were the key findings of the BASIS trial? (4:23)
  5. How could these the results impact the future management of severe haemophilia without inhibitors, and what are the next steps following this study? (6:48)

Disclosures: Davide Matino is a consultant for Bayer, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Pfizer, Sobi, and Octapharma; and has received grant/research support from Bayer, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Pfizer, Sobi, and Octapharma; is on the advisory board for Bayer, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Pfizer, Sobi, Octapharma, and Precision Bioscience; and has received honoraria/honorarium from Bayer, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Pfizer, Sobi, and Octapharma.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Katey Gabrysch.

Filmed in coverage of the ASH 2023

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